Sunday, March 14, 2010


Now that I've had a not-so-good night of sleep, I'll explain a little about myself and my situation. I'm a 20 year old male living with my parents in California. I used to go to school full time and work part time, but the classes I needed all filled up this semester so now i'm just taking 2. My work hasn't really picked up much since school started: the hours I am needed there coincide with my MWF class. While my school life has really changed, the biggest difference is my more personal life. Over winter break, the girl I had fallen in love with left me. She had good reasons for breaking up with me after 10 months; i was distant because of school, i wasn't taking my work seriously and i was generally being a jerk. I'd like to think it wouldn't have been so bad if she just told me she didn't love me anymore and made a clean break, but she didn't. She decided to give me a chance to figure out what it was that I was doing wrong and fix it by the end of the semester. I guess she really meant within a month, cause thats all the time she gave me before calling it quits for good.
Looking back now, I can see that the thought of bettering myself for her was the thing that was keeping me going.

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